Wednesday 28 December 2016

Little Hacks For Big Impact: Scrap Metal Recycling Made Easy

Scrap metal recycling is a good way to get rid of unwanted things and earn money in return. Here are some hacks that will make your scrap metal recycling process easier and lucrative.

Keep a magnet handy
Our team at Lucky Group dealing with scrap metals in Doha recommends that having a magnet is useful while collecting scrap metal. This is especially important when you have undertaken the task of separating your scrap metals before taking the pile to the scrap yard. A magnet is of great help when you are not sure about the category of the scrap metal - whether it is a ferrous metal like steel or a non-ferrous one like aluminum. In such scenarios, use a magnet. The metals that cling on to the magnet (like steel) fall in the ferrous pile while the metals that don’t go into the non-ferrous pile which includes metals like brass, copper and aluminum.

Why is it recommended to separate ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metals?
When you do not separate ferrous metals from the non-ferrous ones, the scrap yard will weigh your scrap metal pile as a whole. This will get you less money as it degrades the price of your scrap metal pile when weighed and calculated as a whole. However, when you separate the ferrous scrap metal pile from the non-ferrous one, you get more money. It is because non-ferrous metals are more valuable than the ferrous metals. When they are both in one pile, it will naturally eat into your returns.

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Disclaimer:This article(s) has been prepared solely for information purposes, using publicly-accessible sources that are believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of publishing. LUCKY GROUP accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from the use of information, images or opinions expressed in the report. LUCKY GROUP does not give warranty of any kind regarding the completeness, accuracy and reliability of the information included in the article(s).

Tuesday 20 December 2016

How Dismantling Your Scrap Metal Product Helps You Earn More?

It is evident that you will get money in exchange of a redundant AC unit. However, when you disassemble the AC unit, you will have more scrap metal pieces like steel, and copper. This will get you more money as you will be allocating it basis the metal type. It’s because these separate units that are made from aluminum, copper and steel are priced separately at scrap yards.

Extending the same logic to wires
Similarly, it helps you get more money in return of wires at the scrap yard when you strip them. For instance, if you have got 60 pounds of wire, it will actually funnel down to say 30 pounds of scrap metal copper (Considering you want to cast the wire away). This practice, therefore, helps you to determine the exact value of scrap metal to be exchanged in return for money thus preventing you any loss. Also, it is always recommended to visit the scrap yard with a bulk quantity to get more money.

Let the bulk be with you
As mentioned earlier, it is always better to carry bulk quantity of scrap metal. It is because scrap yards generally work like playgrounds. So the kid with the largest pile of candies enjoys the greatest negotiating power. Hence, if you walk in to the scrap yard with not 50 pounds but 100 pounds of scrap, it will apparently help you get more money. We deal with ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metals in Dubai. Contact us to get optimal rates for your scrap metals.

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Disclaimer:This article(s) has been prepared solely for information purposes, using publicly-accessible sources that are believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of publishing. LUCKY GROUP accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from the use of information, images or opinions expressed in the report. LUCKY GROUP does not give warranty of any kind regarding the completeness, accuracy and reliability of the information included in the article(s).